Monday, September 22, 2008


hours of studying later, and I feel no more well versed in the feminist approaches to technology nor the implementation of a good system design. It seems from this point on in the semester, there really is not much room to fool around. I need to become completely focused and get my work done. But what is "getting my work done"? It seems these days college is very task-oriented in the sense that one only strives to complete a checklist. Before I started any of my homework today, I had to make a list to organize myself. I relished in the sensation of finishing another assignment off that list. However, I seem to feel more accomplished in finishing the list than in completely learning anything. It almost makes the day feel like it had no purpose.

I've seen this approach taken in some form by some of my friends. Well save the actual list part (since I seem to be the only organization freak). Often, I notice my friends will attempt to memorize material in a way that facilitates easy vomiting back onto a ScanTron or composition paper. They are not really trying to learn the subject; they are really learning how to pass tests. And well, this does not anger me or anything but I feel that college can be such a waste of money if you do not fully apply yourself to the material.

Sure, feminism in relation to technology can be rather dry, but understanding the mindset of people is rather intriguing. Seeing the world through other people's eyes can create a more balanced view. I'm going to review my material again tomorrow in hopes of expanding my mind, not just shortening my list.

1 comment:

Arthur said...

i know what you mean
up until last year i was getting sick of school, cos i was just being taught how to jump through hoops rather than actually learning the subjects.

its not too bad now that i've specialised in what subjects i do