Friday, September 19, 2008

I swim for brighter days...

...despite the absence of sun.

I really can't describe how powerful this lyric is to me. Whenever I'm feeling pretty down, music is able to lift me up. Whether it be playing a couple notes of nonsense on the piano or just listening to some Coldplay or Jack's, music is a pretty powerful tool. It can change your outlook on a gloomy day; it can give you something worth fighting for. It can make you believe that all the ugliness in the world can be wiped away with a single note.

It's one of those few things in life that is purely beautiful in it's own. We truly take advantage of the sensations our ears provide. Just pause once and a while and listen to your surroundings. You'll probably discover that the earth and all of it's inhabitants are serenading you in a chaotic yet controlled ballad. It might be hard to hear at first, but keep listening, the music is out there.

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